Parents, your child heard that Jesus has the power to come again someday. Jesus explicitly told His disciples that He would come to take them to where He was going. He encouraged His disciples, especially Peter, to teach people the good news of salvation.

Our Weekly Bible Verse this week is part of the restoration of Peter which is part of the appearances of Jesus to the Disciples. It reminds us of the Life Point; Jesus has power to come again someday.


Take It Further:Check out the “Breakfast with Jesus” section of the Bible Studies for Life: Kids Family App. This FREE app allows you to go further into the lesson through interactive activities just with the swipe of a screen.

Being productive is considered a virtue in our culture, but how far do we take that? We stay busy with jobs, family activities, sports, and hobbies. We desire a simpler lifestyle, but who has the time? Productivity is not tied to the amount of things we do, but the way we use our time.

Encourage your child to find children’s director tomorrow and recite the Unit Verse. You did it! You memorized it together! Way to go!

“Unfortunately, believers often cycle through a stock list of end-times errors. These mistakes discredit gospel proclamation and rob Christians of the blessings and wisdom God gives from meditating on this area of truth.” Chris Brauns explains “13 End Times Errors to Avoid” here:

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