Grades 1–3
Introductory Activity—Diaper Bag Relay
Materials: diaper bags (one per team), various baby items in a basket or large container
Place the container of baby items on the far side of the game area. Set the diaper bags a few feet apart along the near side of the game area. Form two or more teams. Ask each team to line up behind one of the diaper bags. On your signal, the first player from each team places the diaper bag on his shoulder and carries it to the container of items. The player chooses one item, places it in the diaper bag, and returns to the team to hand off the diaper bag to the next player. Continue until all items are collected (or after a designated time). Lead teams to count how many items they retrieved. Tell the kids they will hear a Bible story about the promise of a baby.
Live It Out
Game—Pass the Star
Materials: cardboard star, metal star, or other durable star; worship music
Guide kids to sit in a circle. Play the music and pass the star around the circle. Stop the music. Ask a review question to the child holding the star. Start music to pass the star again. Continue several times to recall the Bible story. Tell the kids that God told Abraham that his descendants would number more than the stars. Talk about the Life Point.
Craft—Verse Flag
Materials: paper cut into pennant shapes, markers, colored tape, thin dowels
Guide kids to print the verse on the pennant shapes. A child can decorate around his verse and draw a picture on the back of the verse to remember God’s promises. Talk about the Bible story and the Life Point. When he finishes his flag, help him tape the flag onto a thin dowel. Thank God for His promises and for His power to do things that no one else can do.
Grades 4–6
Introductory Activity—A Great Thing to Do
Materials: No supplies needed.
Guide kids to stand in a circle. Start the game by saying: “A great thing to do is _____.” The kid on your right says: “A great thing to do is [your comment] and ______.” The next kid says the first two things and adds his own. For example, first: “A great thing to do is read.” Next: “A great thing to do is read and swim.” Third: “A great thing to do is read, swim, and dance.” Continue around the circle until you get to 7 actions. Start again with the next kid. Comment that it is hard to remember things sometimes. Say: “God never forgets His promises.”
Live It Out
Game—Over/Under Relay
Materials: small baby doll or baby toy (one per team); paper squares and tape or sticky notes; marker
Print the words of the Life Point
on paper squares or sticky notes, one word per square. Make a set of words for
each team. Stick the words on a wall or table at one end of the game area.
Group kids into teams. Guide teams to stand in a line, one behind the other,
facing toward the word cards. Give the first player of each team doll or toy.
On your signal, the first players pass the doll over their heads to the next
player; those players pass the doll under their legs to the third players; and
so on. When the last player receives the doll, he runs to the word cards and
takes the first word. He shows the word to a leader. If the word is correct,
the player runs to the front of his team’s line and passes the doll over his
head to start the relay again. If the word is incorrect, the player returns the
word card to the wall and retrieves the correct word before passing the doll
again. (The leader can tell the player the correct word if needed.) The first
team to complete the Life Point is the winning team. Talk about God’s promise
to Abraham and what happened.
Craft—Colorful Stars
Materials: poster board star shapes, aluminum foil, permanent markers, rulers, glue, pencils, paper, scissors
Guide kids to cover stars with foil and smooth it carefully. Use glue to hold the foil on the stars as needed. Show kids how to use rulers and black marker to make 3-5 straight lines across the star. Then kids can use colored markers to fill in the spaces (to make the stars look like stained glass). Talk about the Bible story. Say that God promised that Abraham’s descendants would number more than the stars. Say the Life Point. Lead the kids to trace the star shapes onto paper and cut out the paper stars. They can print the words of the Life Point on the paper stars and glue to the backs of their colorful stars.
I am looking for the printables mentioned in my leader’s manual. They are no where to be found. It shouldn’t be this difficult!!!!
This page is home to all the extra items each quarter. You can find the Printables for the latest quarter here when you click on the “Enhanced CD Items” button:
This is where that link takes you for this quarter:
They are called Enhanced CD items because they are located on your Enhanced CD if you purchase it.
If you buy digital files, we also bundle it with the music (just like on the CD) but we call them Music and Printable Items. The Printable files here are always with the music since that’s how they are bundled on the physical CD.
I am looking for the printables mentioned in my leader’s manual. They are no where to be found. It shouldn’t be this difficult!!!!
Where are the printables?
This page is home to all the extra items each quarter. You can find the Printables for the latest quarter here when you click on the “Enhanced CD Items” button:
This is where that link takes you for this quarter:
They are called Enhanced CD items because they are located on your Enhanced CD if you purchase it.
If you buy digital files, we also bundle it with the music (just like on the CD) but we call them Music and Printable Items. The Printable files here are always with the music since that’s how they are bundled on the physical CD.
Where are the printables?
This page is home to all the extra items each quarter. You can find the Printables for the latest quarter here when you click on the “Enhanced CD Items” button:
This is where that link takes you for this quarter:
They are called Enhanced CD items because they are located on your Enhanced CD if you purchase it.
If you buy digital files, we also bundle it with the music (just like on the CD) but we call them Music and Printable Items. The Printable files here are always with the music since that’s how they are bundled on the physical CD.