Christians can look confidently toward a future with Christ that will be free of the problems and pain we face in this world. But what do we do in the meantime? We live in a world that does nothing to encourage our walk with Christ. In fact, many times the world actively opposes anyone who seeks to live a godly life for Christ, but we can stand strong. In the Old Testament, the life of King Asa shows us how to face life head on, and his example points to the value of focusing on God and living in dependence on Him. By the way he lived, God used King Asa to influence those around him, as well as future generations. Even though we too will face challenges, we can live godly lives.
Session 1: Pursue Godliness
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 14:1-7
The Point: Make God the focus of your life.

Session 2: Depend on God
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 14:9-15
The Point: God is greater than any challenge we face.

Session 3: Act with Courage
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 15:1-9
The Point: Persistent problems call for courage.

Session 4: Worship Continually
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 15:10-19
The Point: Live your life as an act of worship.

Session 5: Remember God’s Faithfulness
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 16:1-13
The Point: The God who guided you in the past will guide you now and in the future.

Session 6: Leave a Legacy
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 17:1-13
The Point: Godly living impacts future generations.

Session 7: Discipleship
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1-2; 3:10-17
The Point: Someone helped you grow in Christ—do the same for someone else.

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