Parents, today your child learned that Jesus has power over nature. The disciples became frightened while rowing through a storm as Jesus slept. Jesus displayed His awesome power when the disciples cried out for help

Take it Further: Check out the “Jesus Calmed a Storm” section of the Bible Studies for Life: Kids Family App. This awesome FREE app helps your child dive deeper into the lesson of the week with fun and interactive games and activities.

Our Weekly Bible Verse, the children learned on Sunday, reminds us of our Life Point for the week: Jesus has power over nature. How does it make you feel that Jesus can speak and calm a storm?

“Jesus is more than a teacher; he’s a miracle-worker. Once the reader absorbs that point, Mark ups the ante. Jesus is more than a teacher and more than a miracle-worker. He has the authority of the Creator himself.” Read more about “Why Did Jesus Sleep During the Storm?” here:


Where does a life of simplicity start? It starts when we begin our day. It’s often tempting to jump into our tasks, knowing we have a lot to accomplish. As we focus on God in praise and pray, dwelling on Him becomes an ongoing practice throughout the day.

Sometimes the news can be so negative, but when we read an article about something that cannot be explained we are encouraged. As you memorize the Unit Verse this week, find some current news about miracles, wonders, and signs that you can share with your child.

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