Parents, today your child learned that Jesus has power over sickness. When an official in the royal court came and pleaded for his son’s life, Jesus responded by healing him from afar.

Our Daily Bible Reading found on our One Conversation™ page reminds us of our Life Point for the week: Jesus has power over sickness. Continue to read along with us each day by following the schedule your child came home with on Sunday.


Take It Further:Check out the “Jesus Healed the Official’s Son” section of the Bible Studies for Life: Kids Family App. This FREE app allows you to go further into the lesson through interactive activities just with the swipe of a screen.

Many things press for our attention each week—good things, important things. As a result, we can often feel pulled in multiple directions, because everything is crying to be the priority and focus of our lives. Wouldn’t it be great if we had only one thing to focus on?

As we learn the Unit Verse for this month, discuss as a family where you see the miracles, wonders, and signs of God around you. Have you witnessed a miracle? Share it.

“The miracles of the early church, then, served an immediately relevant purpose in redemptive history: verifying the authenticity of God’s revelation and signaling the coming of the new eschatological age among God’s people.” Read more of Justin Holcomb’s “Why Don’t We See Miracles Like the Apostles Did?” here:

Thank you guys for making these Social Media plans. This is gold. keep it coming. Please do something to make sure every church that uses this curriculum knows about it.
Ron, thank you so much! Are you at Roswell Street in Marietta, GA? Married there by Nelson Price a few years ago : )