Parents, today your child heard that the Bible is the Word of God. Jeremiah dictated the words God gave him. The king heard this message, which was unpopular and caused trouble for Jeremiah.

Take It Further:Check out the “God Told Jeremiah What to Write” section of the Bible Studies for Life: Kids Family App. This FREE app allows your child to go further into the lesson through activities and games just with the swipe of a screen.


Today’s Daily Bible Reading is the foundation of why the Bible matters to Christians. The Word is living today, and daily being in scripture matters. Join us by following the schedule.

Our Unit Verse for this month will open up opportunities to talk with your child about how to live your lives aligned with God’s will. As you memorize it today, begin a conversation while you learn.

“When the Bible teaches about its nature and origin in 2 Timothy 3.16 it uses a word that should shape our handling of the Scriptures. The term translated “inspired” (theopneustos) by many translators could perhaps better be rendered as “breathed out by God” as is captured in the English Standard Version (ESV).” Read more about “The Origin of the Scriptures” by Erik Raymond here:

When you give your life to Jesus Christ, you don’t just come to Christ; you become a part of His church. He is the head, and we are His body. While each of us has a direct connection and relationship to God, He uses His church to help us grow in that relationship. It should come as no surprise, then, that God often uses other believers to help us know and follow His will.

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