Parents, today your child heard that the Bible tells about God’s plan for Jesus. The prophets Isaiah and Micah told that Jesus would be born and that His kingdom would last forever!

“We need not be embarrassed to use a strong theological lens on top of our appropriate grammatical-historical lens. This is not an invitation to allegory or a reason to search for hidden spiritual meanings like Super Mario finds his mushrooms. But it does mean we should, like the NT writers did, read the Bible across the whole Bible. We should see Jesus in all of Scripture. We should read the end in the light of the beginning and the beginning in view of the end. Above all, we can celebrate that Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of all that was imperfectly prefigured in the OT. This alone will make a fuller, deeper, richer Christmas story.” Kevin DeYoung breaks down “Can that be Right? The Use of Old Testament Prophecy in the New Testament” here:

The Daily Bible Reading today, found on the One Conversation™ page, is talking about the New Covenant that is to come. It reinforces the Life Point; The Bible tells about God’s plan for Jesus.


Perhaps you’ve heard the oft-quoted idea that “an attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” We acknowledge the truthfulness of that principle, but what matters is the kind of attitude we display. Scripture moves us beyond a nice idea on a motivational poster to show us that a right attitude is one of thankfulness.

Take it Further: Check out the “Prophets told about Jesus” section of the Bible Studies for Life: Kids Family App. Your children will love the interactive activities and games that go along with each lesson, found on this exciting FREE app.

This month’s Unit Verse was a reminder that we should look to the Bible for the truth of how we should think and behave. The truths in the Bible will last forever.

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