Parents, today’s Bible story helped your child learn that the Bible gives hope. Ezekiel prophesied to the exiles of Judah and Israel. God promised His people they would one day return and reunite as one nation.

“Perhaps you’ve been in that place where hope seemed like a mirage, where happiness seemed so distant that you doubted you’d ever feel it again, where loneliness or grief descended upon you like a cloud. Most of us will relate to this experience at some point in our lives, and if we’ve not yet been there, we should prepare ourselves now for the dark night ahead.” Trevin Wax explains “Fighting for Hope” here:

The Weekly Bible Verse for the story of Ezekiel Offered Hope reminds us that we are never alone. We can hope because we serve the God of hope!

Take it Further: Check out the “Ezekiel Offered Hope” section of the Bible Studies for Life: Kids Family App. This engaging FREE app takes your children on a journey with each lesson using exciting activities and games.


We’ve all had those random encounters that we look back on and realize how life-changing they were. Did we just happen to be in the right place at the right time, or was it God’s way of helping us follow His plan? In the Book of Romans, Paul gave us insight into how we should view our circumstances in light of knowing and following God’s will.

Our Unit Verse this month should help inspire us to live our lives in such a way that is pleasing to the Lord. Parenting is such a perfect example of the expectation versus the reality of the choices our children make. As you memorize this together look for ways you can talk about this.

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