1s & 2s— Deliver Mail
Bible Story: Paul Wrote to a Church Acts 18:1,4-11; 1 Corinthians 1–4; 15:1-11
Life Point: People show love to God by doing what He says.
Weekly Verse: Do those things that are pleasing to God. 1 John 3:22
Materials: Teaching Picture 4, old junk mail, small satchel or purse, medium box
- Put the mail in the satchel. Seal the top and bottom of the box and cut a hole in one side. Sit on the floor holding the Teaching Picture.
- Invite a preschooler to deliver the mail. A child can carry the satchel and put mail into the prepared box.
- Tell children that Paul wrote a letter to church. Paul told the people to do what God says. Point to Paul in the Teaching Picture.
- Encourage preschoolers to take turns delivering the mail.
3–Pre-K— Build with Alphabet Blocks
Bible Story: Paul Wrote to a Church Acts 18:1,4-11; 1 Corinthians 1–4; 15:1-11
Life Point: People show love to God by doing what He says.
Weekly Verse: Do those things that are pleasing to God. 1 John 3:22
Materials: Teaching Picture 4, wooden blocks, alphabet blocks, index cards, marker
- Print the words PAUL and LETTER on separate index cards. Lay the cards near the alphabet blocks. Display the Teaching Picture.
- As children build, encourage some to try to match the letters on the cards. Read the words to the children.
- Comment that Paul wrote a letter to a church; Paul told the people to remember what the Bible says and do what God says.
- Show the Teaching Picture and point to Paul. Tell the Bible story as children continue to play.
Kindergarten— Spell the Verse
Bible Story: Paul Wrote to a Church Acts 18:1,4-11; 1 Corinthians 1–4; 15:1-11
Life Point: People show love to God by doing what He says.
Weekly Verse: Do those things that are pleasing to God. 1 John 3:22
Materials: Teaching Picture 4, magnetic letters, basket, sentence strip or long strip of paper, tape, marker, magnetic surface (such as an oil drip pan)
- Print the Weekly Verse in large upper case letters onto the sentences strip. Tape the verse to the magnetic surface. Place magnetic letters needed to spell all the words of the verse in a basket. Tape the Teaching Picture to the magnet board.
- Invite kids to take turns choosing a letter from the basket and placing it on the magnet board under a matching letter. When a word has been spelled, help kids read the word.
- Tell the Bible story as kids play the game. Explain that Paul wanted people to remember what the Bible says and to show love to God by obeying Him.
- Continue until the verse is complete. Say the verse together.
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