Grades 1–3
Introductory Activity—Bounce and Spell
Materials: plastic cups, unsharpened pencils, permanent markers, stopwatch (or other timer)
Print the letters of BIBLE on plastic cups, one letter per cup. Make at least two sets. On a table, set up the 5 cups to spell the word; create space between each cup. Lay several pencils on the table near the first cup. Set up the other cups and pencils on another table. Tell kids: “You will take turns trying to bounce pencils into the cups. See if you can bounce a pencil in each cup in 1 minute.” Demonstrate how to hold the pencil (eraser side down) and bounce the pencil on its eraser toward the cup. Start the stopwatch and say: “Go!” Say “Stop” after 1 minute. Allow kids to take turns trying to complete the task. Or see who can complete the task in the shortest amount of time. (Note: One minute may be too short for kids to complete the task; you may want to change the goal time to 2 minutes.) Tell kids that they will learn that the Bible is God’s Word.
Live It Out
Game—Touch the Bible
Materials: Bible masking tape, bell or other sound signal
Create a large circle with the masking tape. Lay the Bible in
the middle of the circle.
Say today’s Life Point together. Form two (or more) teams. Ask the first player
from each team to stand at the edge of the circle. Ring the bell and the
players will try to be the first person to touch the Bible. The first player
gets a point for her team; ask that team a review question. A correct answer
earns another point. After a few rounds, change the game. After a player
touches the Bible, his team can find the Bible verse or Bible story for an
additional point.
Craft—Small Scroll
Materials: adding machine tape, crayons or colored pencils
Cut a length of adding machine tape for each child. Talk about the Bible story and the Life Point. Guide kids to print the Life Point on the length of adding machine tape. They can draw designs or pictures about the Bible story or Life Point. When they finish, help them roll up their reminders. Tell them they can place the reminders in a place to help them think about scrolls and about the Bible, God’s Word.
Grades 4–6
Introductory Activity—Bucketball
Materials: paper balls, bucket, straws or unsharpened pencils
Guide kids to line up at a designated spot, facing the bucket. Tell the first person in line to toss a paper ball and try to land it in the bucket. If the paper ball lands in the bucket, the kid can name a book of the Bible. If the ball misses, the kid can use two straws or unsharpened pencils to retrieve the ball, carrying the ball between the two straws back to the tossing spot. Then this player moves to the back of the line and the next person tries to toss the ball into the bucket and name a Bible book. After all kids have at least one attempt at tossing a paper ball into the bucket, say: “The Bible is God’s Word. Today we will hear about a time God told someone to write down His words.”
Live It Out
Game—Four-in-a-Row Review
Materials: large white board, dry erase markers and eraser, numbered cube
On the board, draw a 5-by-5 grid. In each space, print a word from the Bible story. You can use the words below or choose your own words to emphasize. Repeat words as you choose. Number each row of words. Below is an example of a grid.
1 | Jeremiah | scroll | king | read | temple |
2 | Baruch | wrote | cut | fire | God |
3 | king | burned | dictated | words | Micaiah |
4 | temple | Jeremiah | knife | God | rewrite |
5 | scroll | turn | Jerusalem | write | Baruch |
Group the kids into two teams. Guide Team 1 to roll the cube. Then they
look along the rolled row and choose a word. (If a 6 is rolled, the team can
choose any word on the board.) They say the word and tell a fact from the Bible
story about that word. Erase the word and mark and X for Team 1. Repeat with
Team 2 but mark an O for Team 2. Continue alternating turns. A team wins if
they get 4 squares in a row.
Craft—Coded Wristbands
Materials: large piece of paper, marker, alphabet beads,
plastic lacing, scissors, paper, pencils
Print the following code key on a large sheet of
paper, ensuring that the letter positions are exactly as shown below:
Review the Bible story with the kids. Emphasize that the words in the Bible
are God’s words. Distribute pencils and scratch paper. Display the code key.
Lead the children to print a phrase or short sentence about the Bible, then to
encode it by printing the letter that appears directly above or below the
original letter in the code key: A
would be encoded N; W would be encoded J; Word of God would be
encoded JBEQ BS TBQ. Lead the kids
to use the beads and lacing to string their coded phrases and make wristbands.
Thank you