Because nobody enjoys a messy work environment, over 3.5 million people work full-time cleaning clothes, homes, and offices. And they’re not the only ones. As kids we were taught to clean our rooms. We make occasional trips to the car wash rather than leave our friends’ encouraging messages written in the dirt. And when we spill a drink, we immediately spring into action to clean up the mess. Relationships get messy too. We have a tendency to be self-centered, and when two people get together, the clash of two self-focused individuals can make a mess. In this study, we’ll look at six traits God calls us to exhibit that can clean up a messy relationship. Even better, living out these traits can even prevent a relationship from getting messy in the first place.
Session 1: Love
Scripture: John 15:9-14
The Point: Let love characterize every relationship.

Session 2: Encourage
Scripture: Acts 9:26-28; 11:21-26
The Point: Encouragement strengthens relationships.

Session 3: Forgive
Scripture: Matthew 18:21-28,32-33
The Point: Relationships grow deeper with forgiveness.

Session 4: Serve
Scripture: Galatians 5:13-15; 6:1-5,10
The Point: Seize the opportunity to serve.

Session 5: Yield
Scripture: Philippians 2:1-5,13-15
The Point: Humbly place the needs of others before your own.

Session 6: Accept
Scripture: Romans 14:1-4,13-19
The Point: Strong relationships are not hindered by differences of opinion.

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